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Simple Conditions

Conditions determine when a rank is implicitly applied to a player. Typically, ranks are awarded based on some player activity, e.g. a "Senior" role can be applied if a player has been on the server for a certain amount of time.

Simple conditions are so-called because they take no arguments; the condition is simply added to a rank by specifying its name.


member: {
name: "Member"
power: 1
condition: "always_active"

When the "always_active" condition is applied to a rank, the rank given to every player that joins the server / world. This is typically used as a default rank, and usually has the lowest power level.


admin: {
name: "Admin"
power: 1000
condition: "creative_mode"

When the "creative_mode" condition is applied to a rank, the rank is given to any player who is in creative mode. This can be used in various ways, for example. Using KubeJS you can detect if X player enters creative mode & automatically put them back into survival.


admin: {
name: "Admin"
power: 1000
condition: "fake_player"

When the "fake_player" condition is applied to a rank, the rank is given to any fake player. A fake player is a "virtual" player object which many mods use when there is a need to interact with the world like a player, e.g. to break or place blocks, right click blocks, attack entities, etc. Having this condition on a role that prevents blocks from being placed will stop blocks that place things from working. (This will not work on 1.20.4 Forge)


admin: {
name: "Admin"
power: 1000
condition: "op"

When the "op" condition is applied to a rank, the rank is given to any player that is opped via /op <playername>.


admin: {
name: "Admin"
power: 1000
condition: "spawn"

When the "spawn" condition is applied to a rank, the rank is given to any player who is currently in the protected spawn chunk range.


The spawn protected radius can be found in the file; see the field "spawn-protection".

For more advanced conditions see Advanced Conditions.